Astrological Psychology

Lesson overview

base lessons advanced lessons

lesson 1

Introduction to Astrological Psychology


lesson 2

Horoscope elements and symbols


lesson 3

Meaning of the colors


lesson 4

The Zodiac signs


lesson 5

The Planets


lesson 6

The structure of the Horoscope


lesson 7

The Astrological Houses


lesson 8

Astrological-Psychology Aspect Theory


lesson 9

Motivation and first principles of interpretation


lesson 10

Aspect Structures I


lesson 11

Aspect Structures II
Having introduced twelve triangle aspects in the previous lesson, we will look at quadrilateral configurations in this lesson. Out of a total of 29 possible quadrilaterals, the focus will be on twelve distinct prototypes. For ease of comprehension, all aspect figures presented here are described as if they stand alone. However, it is not always the rule. Most of the time, the configurations appear embedded in a larger aspect context, that is, they are part of the overall aspect picture. The more integrated a distinct shape appears as part of a larger aspect structure, the more its original function becomes modified. It follows that the configurations as discussed will not 1:1 fall exactly onto place as regards expression of behavioral patterns, processes or characteristics, as are often found in natural charts. Therefore, with the characterizations in this lesson, we are just trying to state the essentials, the basic essence of how aspect patterns function. In astrological psychology there are no recipes or interpretations that can be memorized and reproduced over and over again. Human psychology is too complex for that. To understand this, it always requires a creative fluid understanding for a shifting patterns of design and images. The underlying symbolism helps to place the human being in its larger context. We will look at the remaining, rarely occurring, 17 quadrilaterals, at the end of this lesson and briefly discuss their creative interpretations.


lesson 12

Aspects and Planets


lesson 13

Astronomical Basics


lesson 14

Dynamics of the Energy Zones in Houses & Signs


lesson 15

The Structure of the House System


lesson 16

Development Processes in the Horoscope


lesson 17

House Axes – Polarity and Conflict Resolution


lesson 18

The House Chart • Dynamic Quadrant


advanced lessons